[ExI] Jimmy 'the Greek' Snyder

SR Ballard sen.otaku at gmail.com
Wed Jun 10 15:15:06 UTC 2020

I think maniacs driving 120mph are somewhat self limiting. But studies show that high speed chases are the wrong approach.


Voluntary police can still work IF the areas are made small enough. For example, someone would not want to police all of manhattan. But 4 blocks? I think they’d be willing to. 

And there’s enough dudes who try to be heroes anyway, so I think “shots fired” would still get responded to.

Withe voluntary community policing, crime becomes a personal affront. Whether that’s good or bad is a different story. 

SR Ballard

> On Jun 9, 2020, at 8:12 PM, William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> Perhaps I missed them because I thought when I read them that they were ludicrous.  Personal defense is a good idea, but most people never get attacked.  Private security would, I assume cost more than what we get with tax dollars and poor people could not afford it.
> Voluntary police:  I can see this working if a town is not larger than a few hundred.  Numerous problems here, including training, insurance if hurt, and the likelihood that an ordinary citizen would go on a call where shooting is occuring.  I just can't see getting thousands of volunteers in big cities where violent crime is not rare at all but happens many times a day.
> Just to give one example:  which of the above would deal with maniacs driving 120 mph on city streets?    bill w
>> On Tue, Jun 9, 2020 at 7:31 PM Dan TheBookMan via extropy-chat <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>> You must have missed the three examples I gave in my first two sentences:
>> 1. “personal self-defense“
>> 2. “voluntary defense associations for those extremely rare occasions when violent confrontations happen”
>> 3. “Private security” 
>> I brought up the Benson book and the Smith essay as examples of a vast literature by libertarians on how to deal with this issue. Not only is the literature vast, but it goes back decades. The idea of dismantling the police and government in general are not really all that new in libertarian circles. Again, they’ve been discussed and written about before I was born.
>> Regards,
>> Dan
>>    Sample my Kindle books at:
>> http://author.to/DanUst
>>> On Jun 9, 2020, at 2:21 PM, William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>>> I am simply not interested enough in it to read a book.  But just a hint or two about how to deal with crime without police would be a help.  bill w
>>>> On Tue, Jun 9, 2020 at 3:37 PM Dan TheBookMan via extropy-chat <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>>>> I don't have all the answers here, but personal self-defense and voluntary defense associations for those extremely rare occasions when violent confrontations happen. Private security already plays a role in current US-American society, such as security guards inside shopping malls and the like. So I don't see any reason why people can't specialize in security and things like detection and apprehension of suspects. What wouldn't exist under such a system is a group of people who have special privileges because of this specialization. (And self-help wouldn't be outlawed.)
>>>> Elsewhere I mentioned Bruce L. Benson's 1990 book _The Enterprise of Law: Justice Without the State_. He goes over much of this in far more depth than me. Also, market anarchists have been discussing how to deal with crime without the state for decades now. This is all part of the literature of libertarian thought, no? (What shocks me is meeting people who call themselves libertarians who seem unaware of this work. Have you heard of Benson's work? That's not his only book. How about George H. Smith? Have you read his essay "Justice Entrepreneurship In a Free Market"? He wrote on this subject back in 1979!)
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Dan
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