[ExI] Protest
Stathis Papaioannou
stathisp at gmail.com
Fri Jun 12 03:14:32 UTC 2020
On Wed, 10 Jun 2020 at 10:49, spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> > *On Behalf Of *Dan TheBookMan via extropy-chat
> *Subject:* Re: [ExI] Protest
> >…You shifted from what to do with a vandal In a protest situation like
> in the video versus everything else. Again, my point was they could handle
> that particular person without turning him (I’m presuming it was a guy)
> over to the police…
> I disagree. He needs to be in police custody. The BLM protestors handing
> him over to the police is the right thing. If their protest is that
> police are brutal only to black suspects, and this sleazy bastard is white,
> then they would argue he is perfectly safe in police custody.
> >…And, once more, if you’re protesting police misconduct it seems
> painfully ironic to not seek another solution…
> Not to me. The protestors are not vandals. The protestors do not like
> vandals. The protestors do not want to be equated with vandals, they want
> to distance themselves from vandals. So… they handed him over. He is
> white, so no problem, ja?
> >…In fact, they were already there: they stopped him from his act of
> vandalism…
> Good for them.
> >…Did they need to do more? Maybe. Perhaps they could’ve told him to leave
> the area while taking away his hammer and other tools. Perhaps they
> could’ve photographed him and threatened to dox him of he was caught around
> the area again. Do you disagree here?
> I do. Dan, images are everything. That image of BLM protestors handing
> the vandal over to the National Guard is a powerful image. It established
> their credibility as a protest movement.
> >…You really think it was a great idea to turn him over to the police?
> I do.
> >…You feel there was zero possibility that the police — known for killing
> people for minor offenses like shoplifting or even just on w whim — might
> abuse him?
> He is white. According to BLM point of view, he is safe in police custody.
> >…At least you get points here for not bringing up Saul Alinsky. ;)
> Regards, Dan
> Give me time Dan, I will think of something.
> OK, hmmm, I’m busted on that. But think about it: the Black Lives Matter
> movement is about police fearing black people and being more eager to use
> lethal force. Well hell, they are right about that. BLM has a good
> point. We get it.
> The BLM movement isn’t against policing, it is against police brutality
> particularly when it involves black people. Well OK we get that. but the
> BLM movement isn’t against policing. Plenty of them are from areas where
> they damn well know they need police. They aren’t arguing that all police
> are bad. They aren’t specifically anti-police they are anti-police
> brutality. Well, we are too.
> At the local BLM rally Sunday, the police chief spoke. There were a few
> hecklers in the audience, but these guys were seeing each other’s points of
> view. BLM wants peaceful rallies. They don’t want to fight the cops, they
> don’t want vandalism, they don’t want looters. All three of those groups
> detract from their message.
> Handing over the vandal was not only the right thing, it was the most
> powerful few seconds of video in their favor I have seen to date.
What I find disturbing about the Black Lives Matter protests around the
world is that participants seem to think black lives don’t matter if death
is due to the coronavirus.
> --
Stathis Papaioannou
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