[ExI] amendment I
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 23 15:19:13 UTC 2020
New York exempted liquor stores. bill w
On Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 9:54 AM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> > *On Behalf Of *William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat
> *Subject:* [ExI] amendment I
> How are we getting around the 1st amendment and the freedom to peacefully
> assemble?
> Just ignoring it?
> bill w
> What you mean “we” Kimosabe?
> The California governor thinks he is free to make law that contradicts the
> Fed. Many people think our shelter-in-place order means they cannot go
> outside their homes. It doesn’t really mean that, but they don’t quite
> understand it. I go outside for walks, the local constables see me, they
> cheerfully return my wave.
> As for assembling, we are still doing that when necessary, by Skype,
> FaceTime and other video conferencing, which works better than I woulda
> thought. We are even peacefully assembling right here, if one has an
> open-minded definition of the term “peaceful.” In any case, we are
> assembling right here.
> I have heard they went around handing out 50 dollar misdemeanor tickets
> for those businesses which refused to close. One of these was a gun shop.
> Gun shop owners know the law better than anyone, so they already know the
> governor of California won’t bother trying to collect his 50 bucks: the
> order specifically exempts necessary business. The second amendment
> clearly states that a militia is necessary to the security of a free
> state. Her shop supports the militia. So… it is a necessary business,
> exempt.
> spike
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