[ExI] most disturbing

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Tue May 12 17:38:58 UTC 2020



A disturbing thought occurred to me.


We are often focused on preventing mass murder, but the virus has handed bad actors a cheap new means.


People who live in dry climates know that often when there are outdoor events, a low-cost cooling technique is to spray a fine water mist into the air (the Mr. Mister.)  These are often seen at picnics and rallies and such in the summer.


A bad actor could use one of those with nothing more than the stuff easily found at the local hardware store.  It would not require a compressor or anything exotic.  All it would require is at least one infected person to spray the virus into the air wherever there is a crowd, at an outdoor rally, party, sporting event.  Very little risk to the bad guy, very low cost, very little technical expertise required.


Now the dilemma: how to get rally and picnic organizers to stop using those things without publishing details on how a bad guy could use it to intentionally spread disease?



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