[ExI] [Ex] Hitler and Trump was Even India and Haiti do it better

Keith Henson hkeithhenson at gmail.com
Thu May 14 05:15:25 UTC 2020

Giulio Prisco <giulio at gmail.com> wrote

>> Keith: Right, ?a population where a substantial fraction of the group sees
a bleak future will (as a group) head down the path to war or related
social disruptions.?

> Therefore, the most important thing that we can do is to promote radiant,
energizing visions of beautiful possible futures.

I am not sure a vision will do the job.  But a real improvement in
income per capita seems to work.  We have the recent example of the
IRA going out of business.

Rather than given the Brits credit, I think credit should go to the
Irish women who cul the birth rate from high to the European level of
replacement.  After a suitable lag, economic growth got ahead of
population growth, and the income per capita improved.  With brighter
prospects for the future, population support for the IRA faded out.

If you want something to blame for the long term problems in the Red
states, consider the humble shipping container.  Reducing the cost of
shipping made off-shoring short-term profitable.  Long term it
hollowed out the companies.  This has only become obvious with the
recent crisis.  The companies no longer have production engineers and
can't bring production back.  Even if they could, automation has
eliminated most of the jobs.

The population growth of the US is already below replacement.

I don't have a suggestion as to how to reduce the malaise in the Red
states.  Reducing the population growth in the Arab states is an even
more difficult problem.  It would have to come from inside.

William Flynn Wallace <foozler83 at gmail.com> wrote:

>> Giulio wrote:  Therefore, the most important thing that we can do is to
promote radiant, energizing visions of beautiful possible futures.

> That's the role of religions is it not?  And political candidates.

No.  Religions are part of the war process.  Political candidates
seldom propose anything useful.  Improving the world is the function
of scientists and engineers.


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