[ExI] what did we learn?

Ben Zaiboc ben at zaiboc.net
Mon Nov 2 18:38:37 UTC 2020

On 02/11/2020 17:09, Mike Dougherty wrote:
> I trust that you have a multilayer (sic) and nuanced thought process 
> that was overly summarized to that clickbait-y sentiment.

Why thank you, sir. I didn't think I was capable of writing clickbait! 
(or even clickbait-y). On second thoughts, cancel that. I'm insulted, I 
am. Clickbait indeed!

But, Nope. Nothing multilayered or nuanced about it. As I said, just 
some musing for discussion. Just wondering that I haven't heard this 
idea before.

"All we have to do to solve our current woes is "ban" the internet"

That doesn't follow, and is not at all my point (it's also terrible use 
of quotation marks, just saying :-D). I remember the bad old days when 
there was no internet. I also remember the good old days when it was 
young, and the sky seemed the limit. Not nearly so impressed now, 
although I wouldn't want to (couldn't, in fact) do without it.

"I'm using extreme examples; I admit"

Do you also admit that they're so extreme as to be pointless?


"I haven't decided if this anthropomorphic Humanity is a "terrible twos" 
baby or a pubescent tween.  Too bad we don't have an older sibling role 
model.  :)"

Exactly. I'm no more suggesting we 'ban the internet' (as you say, a 
silly idea) than you would suggest imprisoning babies or pubescent 
youths because of their immaturity.

Ben Zaiboc

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