[ExI] Free will was: Everett worlds
Dylan Distasio
interzone at gmail.com
Mon Sep 14 00:26:12 UTC 2020
We appear to be in the declining late phase of empire. Once the USD loses
reserve currency status, it's all downhill from there...
So I go with panem et circenses.
On Sun, Sep 13, 2020, 8:23 PM William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> Yes - question: why don't you answer the question? If people voted,
> would they vote themselves a guaranteed income? Free circus tickets? Come
> down and think about the common person. Rather than their wants, what
> would people consider their rights? Loosen up, man! bill w
> On Sun, Sep 13, 2020 at 7:08 PM spike jones via extropy-chat <
> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>> > *On Behalf Of *William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat
>> *Subject:* Re: [ExI] Free will was: Everett worlds
>> >…Spike, can you even, even you, imagine what rights we would have…
>> Sure can BillW.
>> These:
>> [image: Farm-Boy Bob, Ph.D: "Matthes, I want you to write down the Bill
>> of Rights ten times and hand it in" - Discipline in Ag Class comes in handy
>> in later years]
>> >… if they were voted on today?
>> Fortunately, the Bill of Rights are not voted on. Those would be
>> permissions and opinions. Rights pre-existed the US constitution. We
>> still have them even if they are being infringed.
>> >… Here is one especially made for you. What rights do people really
>> want? bill w
>> Another easy one. These:
>> [image: Farm-Boy Bob, Ph.D: "Matthes, I want you to write down the Bill
>> of Rights ten times and hand it in" - Discipline in Ag Class comes in handy
>> in later years]
>> We Americans still have rights even if we don’t want them. But no
>> worries, I want them enough to cover the both of us. With change left over.
>> I can say little more without risk of being booted over to ExI-political.
>> Any questions?
>> spike
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