[ExI] COVID-19 Explaining the mistaken over-reaction

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Thu Sep 17 10:30:46 UTC 2020

This article explains why initial COVID-19 death estimates were ten
times too high. This caused the world-wide over-reaction which has
destroyed nations' economies.
The article comments are also worth reading (if you have the time!).
I think this article is really important to get a better understanding
of the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID – why terminology really, really matters
[And the consequences of getting it horribly wrong]
Dr. Malcolm Kendrick     4th September 2020


To start with, we have the mangling of the concept of a ‘case’.

Previously, in the world of infectious diseases, it has been accepted
that a ‘case’ represents someone with symptoms, usually severe
symptoms, usually severe enough to be admitted to hospital.

A symptomless, or even mildly symptomatic positive swab is not a case.
Never, in recorded history, has this been true. However, now we have
an almost unquestioned acceptance that a positive swab represents a
case of COVID. This is then parroted on all the news channels as if it
were gospel.

I note that, at last, some people are beginning to question how it can
be that, whilst cases are going up and up, deaths are going down, and


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