[ExI] Fwd: Space governance

Ben Zaiboc ben at zaiboc.net
Sun Sep 27 07:10:44 UTC 2020

On 27/09/2020 06:37, Anton Sherwood wrote:
> n 2020-9-26 07:04, Ben Zaiboc via extropy-chat wrote:
>> The virtual worlds scenario is much much more likely, I agree. And 
>> that can integrate with uploading too, so I'd expect even when (or 
>> if, for the pessimists) we do crack uploading and it's widely 
>> available, people will still live largely in virtual environments, 
>> wherever they are physically located. And there's a humongous amount 
>> of living room available in the solar system, even more so when you 
>> only need a few cubic millimetres of space to live in.
> On yet another hand, what if micro-humans lived in the physical world, 
> "living lightly on the land"?  How many could live off the amount of 
> power consumed by, say, a rabbit?

I don't understand why that's an 'on the other hand'. Minds need a 
substrate to exist in, whether or not they're biological, and uploads 
will very likely ultimately need very little physical resources 
(ultimately, but not at first, when the technology is being refined).
I'm envisaging a situation where your mind is running in a substrate 
that only occupies a few cubic millimetres, and needs substantially less 
energy than a human brain (this is not a superintelligent mind, just 
human-equivalent). Whether or not you also control robotic bodies (which 
could be any size), you'll still have access to virtual worlds, so you'd 
be able to live in both the 'physical world' and whatever virtual worlds 
you choose, in whatever combinations you choose (e.g. various flavours 
of augmented reality, etc. You could really blur the distinction between 
'virtual' and 'real' until it was pretty much meaningless. That awful 
film "Valerian and the city of a thousand planets" gives a partial 
glimpse of what I mean). I expect this to be true of all uploads, 
whether they stay on earth or not.

Anton, would you please set your replies up so they don't CC me as well 
as posting to the list? I don't need both. Thanks.

Ben Zaiboc

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