[ExI] anarcho-syndicalism and infinite regress

Anton Sherwood bronto at pobox.com
Thu Aug 5 19:44:01 UTC 2021

> King Arthur: I didn't know you were called Dennis.
> Dennis: Well you didn't bother to find out did you?

... by asking someone else, whom he ought to address by name, which he'd 
have to learn by asking someone else, whom he ought to address by name, 
which he'd have to learn by asking someone else, whom he ought to 
address by name, which he'd have to learn by asking someone else, whom 
he ought to address by name, which he'd have to learn by asking someone 
else, whom he ought to address by name, which he'd have to learn by

*\\*  Anton Sherwood  *\\*  www.bendwavy.org

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