[ExI] Arrogance

MB mbb386 at main.nc.us
Sat Aug 28 12:50:52 UTC 2021

On Fri, August 27, 2021 16:42, William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat wrote:
> Why not Provence?  Tuscany?
> The trouble with our country all stems from our government and its
> politics
> and war machine.  The last necessary war was WWII.  Since then they have
> made big messes all around the world and failed to clean them up.  I am so
> glad to be out of Afghanistan - an unredeemable place that other countries
> have had a go at and failed like we did.  Nobody could have succeeded no
> matter how many trillions were spent.  Our government is still not
> listening to us.  bill w

For one, I speak neither French nor Italian... but of course could learn.
:) Rather more slowly than when I was a child, now that I'm approaching

However, though Provence and Tuscany are beautiful and charming, there
would be the same kind of issues: government.  I've not heard much that
makes me think the gvts of France or Italy are that much better than the
USA.  Maybe they're not currently into war mongering but they have plenty
of their own drawbacks.

A case of "the devil you know vs. the witch you don't".

Agree, good to be out of Afghanistan - just reading up on the British and
Russian efforts there, just reading Kipling, would have been enough to
dissuade me!  The method of departure (as portrayed by the media) leaves
something to be desired. :(


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