[ExI] The Future Is Going to Be Extremely Lonely

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 14 14:13:32 UTC 2021

I read a scifi book many years ago in which no one ever met another person,
except by video.  Asimov, maybe?  Can't remember.  Is this the way we are
moving?  Subtle smells of a person become irrelevant, as does some body
language.  I dated a beautiful blonde, but only once.  She just didn't have
the right smell.  Her breath wasn't bad but it wasn't 'right' either.
 Will we stay home and never go out to eat or buy groceries or clothes and
miss out on meeting people we would never meet online?   bill w

On Tue, Dec 14, 2021 at 12:27 AM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> *From:* extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> *On Behalf
> Of *Ben Zaiboc via extropy-chat
> *Subject:* Re: [ExI] The Future Is Going to Be Extremely Lonely
> On 13/12/2021 17:42, Spike wrote:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RdOwhmqP5s
> Is there anyone here who viewed this without learning something new?
> >…<Raises hand dejectedly>
> >…I watched more of it than I should have, and it might as well have been
> in chinese, for all the sense it made.
> >…Ben (total maths dunce)
> Owwww, my apologies Ben, not everyone is into math.
> I am interested in the medium itself as much as this mind-blowing topic.
> It is a superior means of communicating knowledge, which is really an
> important thing, because it changes the way we have been doing things since
> forever.  For instance, once a year, math geeks meet in some central venue,
> such as the convention center at Monterey and share this kinda thing.  But
> now there really is no good justification for the trip.  These kinds of
> videos teach us more, faster and better.
> spike
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