[ExI] free speech
Kick Ass Bitch
costajetro at gmail.com
Sat Jan 9 23:48:39 UTC 2021
Even though they are private companies, they have to fulfill the contracts
that require us to accept. Nor do they accept their own contracts!
Em sáb, 9 de jan de 2021 12:37, William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> escreveu:
> I remember a free speech case of many years ago involving a college
> newspaper. The university censored it and the editor sued. The ruling, of
> course, was that the editor was free to say whatever he wanted to, just not
> on the university's paper.
> Google and Facebook are private companies and they can censor all they
> want to, and I would not take that away from them, or even force them to
> use disclaimers. We do not need the feds telling private companies what to
> do unless it's to safeguard something, like food, or children's toys.
> Crazy, wayout, extremists, and all the rest of the nutcases, have just as
> much right to free speech as anyone, as the ACLU will tell you.
> Free means free. Sure, we may pay a price for it, but we would be paying
> a much bigger price if we didn't have it.
> bill w
> On Sat, Jan 9, 2021 at 10:04 AM Bill Hibbard via extropy-chat <
> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>> Free speech is half of open information. The other half
>> is transparency and accountability by those with power
>> over us. Some people want to limit free speech because
>> of the violent mob of QAnon followers at the US Capitol.
>> Such crazy conspiracy theories thrive because of the
>> rampant corruption among the powerful that can only
>> exist with our current lack of transparency and
>> accountability.
>> There are two paths forward. One is free speech combined
>> with transparency and accountability:
>> https://www.ssec.wisc.edu/~billh/g/human_freedom.html
>> The other path is ever tighter controls on speech and
>> other rights. China is a great example of combining
>> lack of free speech with lack of transparency and
>> accountability.
>> The US has done a terrible job of regulating tech
>> monopolies, which have the power to greatly limit speech.
>> As for example Apple and Google are now requiring all
>> their Apps to limit speech. The US Congress doesn't have
>> to make any law abridging the freedom of speech; it can
>> just farm the job out to the tech monopolies.
>> Just to be clear, mob violence is not the answer to
>> anger at the government.
>> Bill
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