[ExI] Immaculate Election
Dave Sill
sparge at gmail.com
Tue Jan 12 13:20:23 UTC 2021
On Mon, Jan 11, 2021 at 9:31 PM Stuart LaForge via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> As such, the only clear remedy to prevent this sort of debacle in the
> future, is to design our elections to be so secure as to be above
> reproach.
No large, complex system is ever perfect. And even if we had a perfect
voting system, we'd still be subject to bogus conspiracy theories.
> Which brings up another point. If voting machines are universally
> distrusted and despised,
They're not. They're not perfect, but they generally get the job done.
> then why do we still use them? Why do
> companies still make them? If distrust of voting machines are causing
> massive protests that lead to injury, loss of life, and destruction of
> property and historic artifacts,
The cause of riot wasn't distrust in voting machines, it was an unhinged,
egomaniacal scam artist pushing unbacked claims of voting fraud. That could
still happen without voting machines.
> then should not the manufacturers of
> voting machines be held liable for the damages?
Based on unproven allegations? Of course not.
> Putting these
> companies on the hook for the damage done seems a great deterrent to
> keep companies from trying to sell governments voting machines that
> nobody trusts.
If "nobody" trusts the machines, they should take that up with the people
buying them with their money.
It would make it so that any kind of voting software would have to be
> developed open source
Imagine what could be accomplished by an open source hardware/software
voting platform with a few million dollars of public funding.
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