[ExI] A Baffling 60-Year Old Mystery Propels the Documentary An Unknown Compelling Force

John Grigg possiblepaths2050 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 12 08:02:59 UTC 2021

My own crazy theory was that an angry and territorial Yeti had terrorized
this doomed group of travelers! Lol But then a few years ago I saw a video
that said the mystery had been solved, and that an extremely rare and
vicious new form of weather had been discovered there, which is like a
cross between a horrific tornado and a hurricane. And it suddenly strikes
with such ferocity that it can break bones and cause death by hypothermia,
only to fade away within minutes.

"In 1959, nine hikers—mostly college students, all of whom had prior
experience exploring rugged terrain—set out into the Ural Mountains,
located in a frozen stretch
of what was then the Soviet Union
When they failed to return, an intense search eventually yielded a grim
discovery: all nine were dead. Their bodies were found mysteriously far
from their campsite, severely underdressed for frigid temperatures
and some had hideous injuries that couldn’t be explained.

Over 60 years later, the Dyatlov Pass incident is an unsolved mystery
that continues to fascinate the curious—including filmmaker Liam Le
Guillou, who became so obsessed with the story that he made a documentary
about it. *An Unknown Compelling Force* follows Le Guillou as he travels to
Russia and actually retraces the hikers’ steps while chasing down every
clue and scrap of evidence he can find that might help the true story come
to light."
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