[ExI] World's Fastest Electric Motorcycle

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Fri Jun 25 20:37:33 UTC 2021



From: extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> On Behalf Of William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat

Subject: Re: [ExI] World's Fastest Electric Motorcycle


spike, don't they make bikes where the driver is in a prone position?  If not, why not?   bill w



Think long term comfort.  Most bikers are men…


Also… think of the rider’s neck having to look forward and side to side a lot.  Double owwww…


Another consideration: that might make the foot controls difficult.  The left foot actuates the shifter and the right foot the rear brake.  Both need mechanical linkages to the motor.  The electric bike might not need a shifter, but ordinarily you have two separate brake controls.




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