[ExI] crowdsourced crimefighters

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Sun Mar 7 21:01:41 UTC 2021



Additional benefits to Teslas:


*	The state of California, suffering from declining revenue from gas taxes, will likely enact a car mileage tax, which benefits most of us in the long run, particularly those of us who don’t drive very far


*	It encourages home delivery (to save on car mileage tax) which reduces traffic


*	In increases the power grid baseload, which (indirectly) reduces the cost of electricity


*	It encourages the resumption of construction of nuke plants (they make sense with higher power demands)


*	They look cool


*	They go fast


*	Smart people come to America to build them (mostly from India)





From: spike at rainier66.com <spike at rainier66.com> 
Sent: Sunday, March 7, 2021 12:48 PM
To: 'ExI chat list' <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
Cc: 'Cc:' <spike at rainier66.com>
Subject: RE: [ExI] crowdsourced crimefighters




…> On Behalf Of Adrian Tymes via extropy-chat


>…That would partially explain why I got such a low price when I traded in my older-model Prius for a Tesla not too long ago, even though the Prius still had its catalytic convertor.  Adrian



Adrian look at the bright side: your Tesla doesn’t have (or need) a catalytic converter.  Other benefits: 


*	people look at you with respect when you drive a Tesla for several reasons: they cost a lot, so they assume you make a lotta money so they assume you are smart and diligent.  


*	They are not only American made, they are California made, so you support the local economy (thanks for that.)  


*	They keep our air cleaner by enabling emissions to be moved elsewhere (and help the economy at that elsewhere.)  


*	I would argue that they contribute to the economic logic of alternate energy sources and infrastructure because of their charging needs (they charge at night.)


*	They are an example of good engineering and how that benefits consumers


*	They develop supporting manufacturing infrastructure and technology in lightweight lithium battery 


*	They promote robotic manufacturing technology


*	They indirectly promote space exploration by making money for Mr. Musk to support his delightful rocketry habit


*	They have done wonders for the neighborhoods surrounding the plant out here on the east side of the valley


*	They are the symbol of triumphant capitalism


Thanks man.  Anyone else want to drive a Tesla: GREAT!  Do it.





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