[ExI] See the Internet of the future in 2046

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Sat Oct 2 15:31:44 UTC 2021

On Sat, 2 Oct 2021 at 15:36, spike jones via extropy-chat
<extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> Think about this: it isn't necessarily the future of information, it's the right now of information.
> BillK, isn't that in your neighborhood?  Is the victim alive or dead?  How did all that information go completely missing on the internet?  Why cannot we find out if Sasha Johnson lived or died?  Or something kinda in-between?
> That's the state of information now.  Before we can predict the future we must be able to dict the now.
> spike
> _______________________________________________

That's the point of internet censorship.  If the public don't even hear about
the bad stuff going around then they won't complain or interfere with
the authorities.

The mainstream press is not much interested in black-on-black
shootings.  They only get a day or two in mainstream news. If you do a
deep search you can dredge up a bit more internet information, but
really it is only the local black community that's interested.  So
when they protest and rage, people outside their community don't know
what is going on and wonder why they are making such a big

In this particular case, Wikipedia has an entry on Sasha Johnson that
is fairly up-to-date.
The local black press has more info, but even there it is not headline
news, you have to search the website.
She was shot in the head and was critical, but apparently is now
stable, though undergoing operations and probably has life-changing injuries.
Four black men (three of them teenagers) have been charged and are in
custody awaiting trial. They will appear in court in November to enter
a plea and the trial will be next March. The police will be gathering
evidence and preparing their case, but the public won't hear anything
about evidence or witnesses before the trial.


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