[ExI] question not being asked in Alec Baldwin shooting

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 24 18:09:09 UTC 2021

Spike, no, schizophrenia is not illegal, but records are kept as to who has
been admitted to mental institutions.  Schizophrenia of any kind is
permanent.  Psychiatrists and psychologists have a legal duty to report
dangerous people to the police, and no, this does not violate client

As for OCD, I don't know of any condition for which there is safe,
effective treatment.  But then I am not exactly up on the clinical area.
Some people do get better - some get worse - some don't change.  That's the
typical result of studying the effects of psych treatment after three
months.  Followup studies a year later are even more depressing.  bill w

On Sun, Oct 24, 2021 at 12:16 PM Bill Hibbard via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> Spike wrote:
> > Every time I went into a periodic security interview I
> > would tell everything: I don’t know all these people or
> > where they are from, some might be schizophrenic or
> > criminals or even commies. I was open and up front, they
> > never pulled my clearance for being friends with you.
> I can relate. In 1971 I needed a secret clearance and told
> them, "On two occasions I have had roommates who were
> convicted of attempting to firebomb military buildings."
> The lady said, "Oh my," but I got my clearance anyways.
> Since my job was technical a question might be how did I
> come to live with guys who were such putzes that they
> couldn't successfully firebomb a
> building._______________________________________________
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