[ExI] Facebook 2018 changes made users more divisive and angry

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Thu Sep 30 16:31:59 UTC 2021

...> On Behalf Of Anton Sherwood via extropy-chat
Subject: Re: [ExI] Facebook 2018 changes made users more divisive and angry

On 2021-9-30 05:52, spike jones via extropy-chat wrote:
>>... What I am finding even more interesting is that even with his 
> trillions (British trillions (or is it million and billion the British 
> lads switch?)) Zuck

>...I believe the "long" usage is dead in Britain, but it may still be alive
in France.

	1e3	thousand             thousand
	1e6	million               million
	1e9	billion      thousand million; milliard (rare)
	1e12	trillion              billion
	1e15	quadrillion  thousand billion
	1e18	quintillion          trillion

>...I assume getting the difference so wrong in the wrong direction was
meant as funny.

*\\*  Anton Sherwood  *\\*  www.bendwavy.org

Anton, it would be funny if we didn't have politicians conflating terms
which differ by three orders of magnitude.

Think about how this could have been done, had we realized the possible
absurdity pointed out in the previous sentence.

	what it is (USA)		what it shoulda been (everywhere)

	1e3	thousand	kilo
	1e6	million		million
	1e9	billion     	giga
	1e12	trillion     	billion
	1e15	quadrillion  	peta
	1e18	quintillion          trillion
	1e21	sextillion	zetta
	1e24	septillion	quadrillion

If you think it over, it really should have been the right side column.
Then the term million is million^1, billion is a million^2, trillion is a
million^3 and so on.  Having those terms differ by a factor of a million
would reduce the use of phrases such as "millionehs and billionehs" as well
as this week's howler "trillionaires and billionaires."


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