[ExI] Can Samsung Watches do Blood Pressure in your country?

Henrik Ohrstrom henrik.ohrstrom at gmail.com
Thu Feb 24 06:36:30 UTC 2022

Galaxy watches with blood pressure is available in Sweden. I will check
them out closer, could be not worth the bother if the accuracy is too low
but I have not looked into them before.
Will check that out today I think, are going to the local Megamall
equivalent with the daughter today anyway.

Now this problem is a good cause for me to get my own BP watch, I work with
med tech problems daily.
Med tech companies (USian and actually many many other, nationalities) are
a constant pain in the bleep. GE for example are only talking to "world
leading companies" when it comes to questions about cooperation or as
simple as how does equipment X really work? As in, why do we get this
strange behaviour in this circumstance? The answer is always: talk to the
Shut up and go away.
And we did and GE was relieved from the onerous task of selling us
anaesthesia machines for the whole region. Cheap solution for us. Quite
many millions cheaper actually.
And we now have Dräger Zeus instead and I for one welcome our new
anaesthesia robot Overlords.
German lawyers are "inspired" by their US counterparts but the engineers
are not and the result is tolerable. Combine that with the most brave
design decisions this side of the singularity and you get an anaesthesia
station that enables you to reduce consumption of anaesthesia
pharmaceuticals with 25%, that is if you are an uninterested user. For a
top skill user the possibilities are even better.
I now expect and demand from my personel that an bariatric surgery patient
is able to give coherent answers before we have moved them from the OR
table to their bed. And that the patient does most of the work moving.
Aaand back to matter at hand, thanks to FDA, screw you, US won't see that
machine for many years yet. Zeus contains several closed loop functions
(autopilots) that controls gas management, ventilation control from tidal
volume and CO2 goal range and a sophisticated real time simulation of
effect organ concentration of anaesthetics, both target controlled pumps
and anaesthetic gases.
None of these really good functions are available in the US.
Nor will it be, in any close time anyway since you would have to prove that
it won't cause harm to the patient to use them. And and and and lots of
depression ensues because proving that in a way that satisfy FDA is more
than even a megacorp like Dräger can deal with. :(


Den tis 22 feb. 2022 18:16Brent Allsop via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> skrev:

> I HATE the FDA!! in the US.
> As I diabetic they so screw up my life.  You can't believe how much
> trouble and money I had to pay someone, in Germany, to get a good insulin
> pump that can work with a DIY system, simply because the FDA makes it near
> impossible to get them in the US.  And the FDA so hobbles big medical
> companies, and they are soooo afraid of law suits, and they only care about
> profits, totally screws up the lives of diabetes.
> Now I want to get a Samsung smart watch that can help monitor my blood
> pressure, but the fff'n FDA is saying no in the US
> <https://us.community.samsung.com/t5/Galaxy-Watch/Blood-pressure-feature-ETA-Samsung/td-p/1946223>!
> Damn them.
> Anyway, is there anyone in a country (Britain?  Australia?)  who knows the
> Samsung watch can do blood pleasure measurements?  If so, could you contact
> me.  I'd pay good money (or Ether) for you to buy me one and ship it to me.
> Thanks
> Brent Allsop
> P.S.  CC my personal brent.allsop at gmail.com, as I sometimes miss posts to
> the ExI list.
> Thanks
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