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spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Fri Nov 11 19:44:36 UTC 2022

...> On Behalf Of BillK via extropy-chat


>...Arguing about the lies that flood out of politicians is a waste of time.
Check Politifact.com
The bleach drinking was a Biden lie about Trump.
But Trump didn't help with his vague speculations about disinfection.



Ja, sheesh.  BillK, comparing what was said with what was said was said, I see little resemblance.  There was far more resemblance in the modified statements for which the FBI agent was caught and convicted: the only difference was the word "not."

The disinfectant comments were made back when it was widely thought that covid could survive and infect from surface contact.  We were told that we should use disinfectant hand soap, but disinfectants don't "kill" viruses, which are already... well, not dead exactly but not living exactly either.  If the notion is to physically remove the virus from one's hands (which makes sense) then the disinfectant qualities of the saponifier are irrelevant, for those would only apply to bacteria.  A saponifier would physically remove the virus from one's hands, after which it would go down the drain, at which time it is irrelevant if it is still viable, assuming the term viable is applicable to a virus.

Alcohol is a disinfectant, and plenty of people ingest that stuff on a regular basis.  But do we know for sure that some disinfectants cannot destroy viruses?  I must think they can and do in some cases.


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