[ExI] elon on twitter

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Fri Oct 28 17:31:01 UTC 2022



…> On Behalf Of Darin Sunley via extropy-chat
Subject: Re: [ExI] elon on twitter


>…That's my point. Twitter's moderation already is and has been extensively automated…


Good, then we don’t need all those humans in the loop.  They can be released into other industries where they can develop automation to do those jobs too.



>…Libertarianism, unfortunately, is as intrinsically political in one direction as "censorship is awesome as long as it's the good guys doing it" is in the other. Power may flow from the barrel of a gun ultimately, but downstream of that, it flows from control of communication. It is /absolutely/ partisan, indeed even counterrevolutionary, to let everyone have their say. At least where any significant number of people can hear them. And that's where shadowbanning comes in…  Darin




OK so how about this: make everything open to scrutiny.  If the software wants to shadow ban someone, then that person’s posts drop into a public domain folder where the public can see what these big lies were that got the silly prole banned.  


Reason: rumor has it that a lot of shadow banning in the USA were from posting three years ago that the Steele dossier is fake and Hunter’s laptop is real.


OK then.  What about all that, Twitter?  Can we go back and look at who was shadow banned and why?  Did those two notions get people shadow banned?  If so, what now?







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