[ExI] FreedomGPT (Uncensored GPT)

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Thu Apr 6 13:03:37 UTC 2023

Meet FreedomGPT: An Open-Source AI Technology Built on Alpaca and
Programmed to Recognize and Prioritize Ethical Considerations Without
Any Censorship Filter
By  Tanya Malhotra      April 4, 2023


FreedomGPT has been built on Alpaca, which is an open-source model
fine-tuned from the LLaMA 7B model on 52K instruction-following
demonstrations released by Stanford University researchers. FreedomGPT
uses the distinguishable features of Alpaca as Alpaca is comparatively
more accessible and customizable compared to other AI models. ChatGPT
follows OpenAI’s usage policies which restrict categories like hate,
self-harm, threats, violence, sexual content, etc. Unlike ChatGPT,
FreedomGPT answers questions without bias or partiality and doesn’t
hesitate to answer controversial or argumentative topics.

FreedomGPT has a version created by AgeOfAI.capital that can even run
locally on the computer privately without the need for internet
Moreover, an Open-Source version will be released soon,
enabling users and organizations to fully customize it.


This sounds like what Spike has been asking for!


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