[ExI] list intimidation
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 13 17:50:10 UTC 2023
Known facts: some acts of ours are catching, like yawns. If you do
something and it results in someone else smiling at you, it can make you
happy too, even if you faked sincerity or sympathy. You can do this by
yourself: smile and laugh at just nothing. Your brain will pour out good
chemicals. Not fake. bill w
On Thu, Apr 13, 2023 at 9:40 AM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> *From:* extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> *On Behalf
> Of *William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat
> *…*
> >…(I have to doubt that Spike's forgiveness is not real. Spike? Holding
> grudges? Heaven forbid1)…. Billw
> Hey cool, idea: hold fake grudges. Against imaginary people, Such as the
> bastards who gave Winston such a bad time in 1984.
> Billw, this has been a terrific, inspiring discussion, starting all the
> way back to when we started with ChatGPT and its enormous revelations about
> ourselves. The fake pleasantness for instance: well if it makes other’s
> happy, it is justified in my book. I don’t see the harm in it. I see the
> benefit of it.
> What are greeting cards please? Sympathy cards? Get well cards? We can
> go down to the drug store and just read a few of those, by people who make
> their living writing stuff that can ease the pain of others, ja? Well how
> hard is it? Learn how to write like that, and then get ANY sympathy card,
> write the comforting words with a pen that others wrote so well. It means
> more to the patient if they read what you wrote with a pen rather than what
> Hallmark printed in there, ja? OK fair game. If it helps the patient,
> write it. Pretend to mean it, or in some cases you really do, so… fair
> game, play ball.
> If we create a fake CareBot, well I say if it helps the patient, that
> looks like good medicine and since I mention medicine: what are drugs?
> Isn’t that artificial feels-good stuff? Pain killers, well if they work
> and the patient is in pain, go right ahead. Loneliness and boredom are
> painful, so… CareBots. I don’t care if they really don’t “care.” I only
> care if they work. This ChatGPT4 carebot looks like something that will
> comfort me in my dotage, even if I know it’s just software and even if I
> know I was one who thought it wasn’t “conscious” in the sense that we are.
> spike
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