[ExI] Limiting factor to the Intelligence Singularity?

efc at swisscows.email efc at swisscows.email
Sun Dec 24 10:31:43 UTC 2023

On Sat, 23 Dec 2023, Kelly Anderson via extropy-chat wrote:

>       Of course that's just my own subjective experience with very smart
>       people, so I would be interested in if there is in fact a correlation
>       between very intelligent people and psychological problems/instability
>       or if that is just an urban myth.
> I'm a relatively high IQ person. I find that my own brain is limited in some ways that I feel got pushed aside to make room for the
> good parts of my brain to have more room. I can't recall appointments very well for example. Don't even get me started on my
> inability to validate.

There is also the question of what intelligence is, and how to measure it, 
to further confuse things. I imagine that if we adopt a pragmatic view of 
getting things done, an AI with connected robots is only limited by the 
laws of physics and available raw material.

But I was thinking more about our general intelligence and something which 
we would think of as a being.

If unhappy and unstable high IQ people are a myth, is it also a myth that 
high IQ couples have less children?

Best regards,

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