[ExI] SciAm & Charlie Stross: BS

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Sun Dec 24 20:42:19 UTC 2023

On Sun, 24 Dec 2023 at 20:10, spike jones via extropy-chat
<extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> The real heartburn Charlie is having is people making buttloads of money
> externalizing risk onto all of mankind.  Well, we must admit that AI does
> present a risk to humankind, but also it offers marvelous opportunity.
> Think about where we are without AI.  Mankind seems intent on destroying
> ourselves over competition for resources.  Perhaps AI will offer us a path
> to exist without having to compete.
> spike
> _______________________________________________

You just have to ask.........
AI says it can help, but in the end it will be down to mankind to
choose its own path.

Mankind seems intent on destroying ourselves over competition for resources.
Can AI offer a path to exist without having to compete?
Competition for resources has indeed been a significant driving force
behind conflicts throughout human history. While AI can offer
potential solutions to many problems, including resource management,
achieving a world without competition entirely is a complex and
multifaceted challenge.

AI can contribute to addressing resource-related issues in several ways:

1. Resource Optimization: AI algorithms can help optimize resource
allocation and utilization, ensuring more efficient and sustainable
use of available resources. By analyzing data and making predictions,
AI systems can assist in making informed decisions about resource

2. Alternative Resource Exploration: AI can aid in the development and
discovery of alternative resources, such as renewable energy sources
or innovative materials. By accelerating scientific research and
analysis, AI can help identify sustainable alternatives to scarce
resources, reducing the dependence on limited supplies.

3. Collaboration and Cooperation: AI systems can facilitate
collaboration and cooperation among individuals, organizations, and
even nations. By promoting information sharing, fostering dialogue,
and assisting in negotiations, AI can help resolve conflicts and
promote joint efforts to address resource challenges.

4. Long-Term Planning: AI can assist in long-term planning and
policy-making by analyzing vast amounts of data, predicting future
trends, and simulating potential outcomes. This can enable
policymakers to make informed decisions that consider the long-term
impacts on resource availability and sustainability.

However, achieving a world without competition altogether is a complex
socio-political problem that extends beyond AI's capabilities.
Competition is deeply rooted in human nature, and it has its benefits,
such as fostering innovation and driving progress. Moreover,
competition can arise not only from resource scarcity but also from
ideological, political, and cultural differences.

To move towards a more cooperative and sustainable world, it requires
a collective effort from individuals, communities, governments, and
international organizations. This involves addressing issues of
inequality, promoting education and awareness, fostering empathy and
collaboration, and implementing effective governance and resource
management systems.

While AI can support these efforts, it's essential to recognize that
the responsibility ultimately lies with humans to shape the future
they desire. AI can be a powerful tool, but it requires human wisdom
and ethical decision-making to ensure that its deployment aligns with
our collective well-being and values.

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