[ExI] What is "Elemental Redness"?
Giovanni Santostasi
gsantostasi at gmail.com
Thu May 4 03:03:51 UTC 2023
*terms that separate consciousness from physical reality
Functionalists do not do that. It is you that has an outdated understanding
of what physical reality means. I have already mentioned that physical
reality is made of interactions. Even the things that interact are
themselves interactions.
It is all fields. And the fields are due to the geometrical and symmetries
properties of space and time.
I watched the video you linked and it is full of fallacies and
scientific mistakes from the start. What you describe is not how the brain
works. And there is no such thing as a pixel of color (our visual system
doesn't work like a monitor or a camera). A simple Google search would
clarify issues like these but it seems you didn't bother to do these
searches. It is no wonder that people are not taking you seriously when you
go to neuroscience conferences and explain your theory, you have some very
basic wrong assumptions about the brain that are simply wrong. Everything
else then is undermined by these wrong assumptions.
On Wed, May 3, 2023 at 7:44 PM Giovanni Santostasi <gsantostasi at gmail.com>
> Brent,
> I click on the link you provided and immediately I see a still from the
> video that says "so it can be mistaken if not correctly interpreted". I
> gave you all the evidence in the world that this is exactly what happens
> with color illusions.
> How does your model of color account for this if it is not due to an error
> in interpretation?
> Please explain.
> Giovanni
> On Wed, May 3, 2023 at 7:34 PM Brent Allsop via extropy-chat <
> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>> On Tue, May 2, 2023 at 8:31 AM William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat <
>> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>>> What is the label for a person who thinks that "brain excitation causes
>>> experience" is wrong and that 'brain excitation IS experience'? bill w
>>> On Tue, May 2, 2023 at 7:56 AM Ben Zaiboc via extropy-chat <
>>> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>>>> On 02/05/2023 02:42, Jason Resch wrote:
>>>> > I don't follow why saying that "experience is" rather than
>>>> "experience
>>>> > is caused" escapes or answers the question of who is having the
>>>> > experience.
>>>> The 'who' is the neural pattern. This is the central point.
>>>> I suppose you could say "experience is caused by the neural pattern, in
>>>> the neural pattern", but that might be more confusing. To me at least,
>>>> it's clearer to say the experience and the neural pattern are the same
>>>> thing.
>>>> The point is to eliminate the dualism implicit in the language used.
>>>> It's not "my experience is caused by these neural patterns" (which
>>>> implies the question "what am I? What is it that these patterns cause
>>>> to
>>>> have the experience?"), it's "I am these neural patterns, having this
>>>> experience".
>> Thank you Ben. All the people that use terms that separate
>> consciousness from physical reality
>> <https://canonizer.com/videos/consciousness?chapter=differentiating+reality+and+knowledge+of+reality&format=360&t=400>
>> aren't much better than dualists
>> <https://canonizer.com/topic/88-Theories-of-Consciousness/48-Substance-Dualism>,
>> and non mind brain identity theorists
>> <https://canonizer.com/topic/88-Theories-of-Consciousness/17-Mind-Brain-Identity>,
>> in my current opinion.
>>> And no, that doesn't mean only patterns created by
>>>> biological neurons will do. Anything capable of producing the same
>>>> patterns will produce the same result: Me.
>>>> Ben
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