[ExI] Are transhumanists becoming the bad guys?

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Thu Nov 30 11:32:18 UTC 2023

On Thu, 30 Nov 2023 at 09:11, efc--- via extropy-chat
<extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> Hello Darin, and thank you for the background!
> So since you've been active since the mid-90s, have you seen the
> "transhumanist bad guy" narrative coming and going throughout the years?
> I've never seen it before, but if you've seen it coming and going, it's
> just old news, and that I never saw or heard it.
> Best regards, Daniel

An AI summary-

List some of the biggest misconceptions about transhumanism, and how
transhumanists respond to them.

1. Loss of humanity: One common misconception is that transhumanism
seeks to eliminate or devalue what it means to be human. In response,
transhumanists emphasize that their goal is not to replace humanity
but to enhance it. They argue that embracing technological
advancements can help humans overcome limitations, improve well-being,
and evolve mentally and physically.

2. Immortality: Another misconception is that transhumanists aim for
immortality. While some individuals may desire extended lifespans,
transhumanism is not solely focused on achieving eternal life.
Transhumanists emphasize the importance of quality of life and argue
that advancements in medicine, biotechnology, and rejuvenation can
help humans live healthier and longer lives.

3. Inequality: Critics often argue that transhumanism will exacerbate
existing social inequalities by only benefiting the wealthy.
Transhumanists respond by advocating for equal access to technologies
and advocating for policies that ensure these advancements are
available to everyone. They argue that widespread adoption of
technologies can ultimately reduce inequalities by advancing
healthcare, education, and other fields.

4. Loss of individuality: Some people fear that transhumanism will
lead to a homogenized society where everyone is the same due to
technological enhancements. Transhumanists argue that individuality
will be preserved and enhanced by enabling individuals to choose and
shape their own enhancements. They believe that personalization and
diversity will thrive in a technologically advanced society.

5. Ethical concerns: Critics often raise ethical concerns related to
transhumanism, such as the potential for playing with nature or
creating a "post-human" world. Transhumanists acknowledge the need for
ethical considerations and advocate for responsible development and
regulation of technologies. They emphasize the importance of open
dialogue, ethical frameworks, and democratic decision-making to ensure
the responsible use of transformative technologies.

6. Dystopian future: Some fear that transhumanism could lead to a
dystopian future where humanity loses control over technology or faces
oppression by a superintelligent AI. Transhumanists address these
concerns by emphasizing the need for robust safety measures, ethical
guidelines, and responsible development. They advocate for proactive
engagement with AI and other technologies to ensure they align with
human values and benefit society as a whole.

Overall, transhumanists aim to dispel misconceptions by promoting the
idea that transhumanism is an inclusive movement that seeks to empower
individuals, enhance human capabilities, and address societal
challenges through responsible and beneficial applications of


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