[ExI] California storms

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Mon Feb 5 19:36:24 UTC 2024



From: spike at rainier66.com <spike at rainier66.com> 
Sent: Monday, 5 February, 2024 10:56 AM
To: 'ExI chat list' <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
Cc: 'BillK' <pharos at gmail.com>; spike at rainier66.com
Subject: RE: [ExI] California storms




From: spike at rainier66.com <mailto:spike at rainier66.com>  <spike at rainier66.com
<mailto:spike at rainier66.com> > 


>>.There's more rain and wind coming this week.  I am hoping to go hunting
for downed trees.  I still have gasoline left in Mister Chain Saw.







>.Perhaps I should offer a word of explanation for the previous.  You have
perhaps heard of Florida Man, a mostly fictitious character based on so many
crazy news stories, most of them involving drunkenness, insanity, nakedness,
the essential elements of a Florida Man story.spike




Clarification please on my description of Florida Man as being a mostly
fictitious character.  I didn't actually claim the stunts which earned him
the label and the arrest record are fictitious.  Tragically, the stunts are
true.  But it isn't the same guy doing all of them (evidence: Florida Man
sometimes gets killed doing his Florida Man thing.)  Note that "Florida Man"
is a generic term representing a class of likeably insane rednecks, often
most entertaining rubes, doing silly things usually preceded by the famous
phrase "Hey yall, hold mah beer and watch this shit."  


As a further explanation for why most Florida Man stories involve nakedness,
I must explain that Florida has a lot of warm humid weather.  Finding a
naked person is much more likely in Florida than in Minnesota, especially
this time of year.  I was in Florida a coupla weeks ago, and it was over 80F
(30C) regularly.  I kept my clothes on, for I had business to do and wished
to eschew contributing to the internet comedy genre known collectively as
Florida Man.





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