[ExI] trump

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 9 13:09:51 UTC 2024

So  - what happens if states ignore the SCOTUS ruling and delete
candidates?  bill w

On Fri, Mar 8, 2024 at 9:48 PM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> ...> On Behalf Of Kelly Anderson via extropy-chat
> Cc: Kelly Anderson <postmowoods at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [ExI] trump
> >...One strength I once attributed to Trump was that he was (and still is)
> perceived as "just crazy enough"... and that would make other world leaders
> think twice before doing something like, oh, I don't know, invading Ukraine
> or Taiwan. However, his isolationist stance is such that such leaders might
> feel even safer doing such nonsense now... As bad as Biden is, he's at
> least supported Ukraine, which I view as a "good thing" due to the fact
> that if Russia successfully took over Ukraine, someone in Nato might be
> next, and then all hell might break loose. My vote is irrelevant now that
> I'm living in a RED as RED state... but I can't imagine voting for either
> of them at this point.
> -Kelly
> Kelly that's the beauty of living in a state which is highly partisan,
> such as we do: you are free to vote your conscience.  You know for sure it
> will not influence the election.  So be true to yourself.
> There are more than two parties.  This is one of those election years
> where most of the people hate both dominant party's candidate.
> So... vote your conscience.  That's what I intend to do.
> Fun aside: the US Supreme Court decided that states may not remove the
> name of any qualifying party's nominee.  I think this was the right
> decision, but it bothers me that the US Supreme Court ordered states to do
> this, for it is not clear to me from reading the constitution that the
> SCOTUS has the authority to do that.  Do let me stress I think it was the
> right decision, as did all 9 justices in perfect unison.  I am only
> questioning the authority to do that right thing.
> spike
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