[ExI] after upload, what?

Brent Allsop brent.allsop at gmail.com
Sat Mar 23 15:16:31 UTC 2024

Yes, nice posts everyone.

To me, an important part of identity is computational binding of lots of
pieces of information (like colored pixels) into one unified experience.
Being aware of two and more different pixels, at different locations, at
the same time is what computation is, right?
Our knowledge of our left field of vision in one hemisphere, is bound to
the other.  Once we understand what it is that has all those qualities, and
how they are bound together, we'll want to bind in 3rd, forth... partial
spheres of higher resolution, larger numbers of color qualities for each
pixel, and other different parameters and such.  We'll only need to discard
older less capable hemispheres when we are sure we no longer need them,


On Sat, Mar 23, 2024 at 8:17 AM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> On Behalf Of
> Travis Porco via extropy-chat
> >...Forgive me for delurking...
> Thy sins are forgiven, for I have pardoned thee, my son.
> Oh wait, delurking is not a sin.  Disregard please.
> >... but perhaps the time has come to ask *how* to do an upload or
> upload-like activity right now, today, with existing
> technology...extracting
> enough memory and identity to generate an authorized continuing agent for
> yourself, without being distracted by worries about whether it is "really
> you" and so forth... --tcp
> Delurk, early and often.  Write a lotta lotta stuff.  Pour your own
> unfiltered personality into it.  Post it somewhere public, such as... here.
> Speak your mind, write your true self.
> Welcome Travis.  Tell us something about thee and thy interests.
> spike
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