[Paleopsych] binary nature

Steve Hovland shovland at mindspring.com
Sat Oct 30 13:37:28 UTC 2004

If you're looking for computer metaphors,
consider "fuzzy logic."

Steve Hovland

-----Original Message-----
From:	Alice Andrews [SMTP:aandrews at hvc.rr.com]
Sent:	Saturday, October 30, 2004 4:41 AM
To:	The new improved paleopsych list
Subject:	Re: [Paleopsych] binary nature

Hi Michael,
I  think you're right...Binary is the wrong word. It came to me as I was
thinking of the word '(uni)versal' and  wanting to displace that 'uni'
concept with a morpheme that reflected a dual or multilayered

"However, it seems to me, that we'd be better off talking about
multi-phylogenetic modes [along lines of (tri) MacLean or (quad) Jim Henry]
or even a bi-human nature...rather than uni."

But, you're right re:

>It's all part of one cycle, not two
> separate things but two limits approached alternately
> by one function.

I guess the part that gets me stuck is that when we left-brainishly DO start
to categorize, we invariably want to say: the one function is a particular
way--rather than saying the one function is a dual way. Does that make
sense? It's early...
And also I think  you're so 'right on' re the polarity question.
Re the wimp factor: I think that these recent posts of mine are pretty
wimpy...You're not likely to hear a man say "my Floresian-sized brain" or
"I'm grappling" or "I don't think that was what I was talking about but
maybe it was." These were all genuine feelings I had, which I expressed
reluctantly, knowing that to male ear it would either be seen as phony (from
projection--since when do they ever feel such things?!!!!), or manipulative
in some way--since I'm a woman and why else express a weakness if not for
some gain?????
I'll go look at the Wimp link, thanks....
I just yesterday heard on news Arnold preaching to a Republican crowd re
something like: "You don't want a girly-man country, do you?? Yikes!

All best,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael Christopher" <anonymous_animus at yahoo.com>
To: <paleopsych at paleopsych.org>
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 2:12 PM
Subject: [Paleopsych] binary nature

> Alice says:
> >>And/or we can take the more existential, romantic,
> transcendental, dualistic route and say, one of human
> nature's features is that it is binary.<<
> --I think "binary" is the wrong word. Humans, like
> everything else in nature, oscillate. We're like the
> tides. We go in, we go out. We're expressive, we're
> introspective. It's all part of one cycle, not two
> separate things but two limits approached alternately
> by one function.
> In our culture we tend to believe in willpower, and we
> keep trying to say "this is my final position." It
> fails, because even if one side of a polarity is held
> without wavering, it only increases the intensity of
> the opposite swing. Conservatives will be shocked when
> they discover their lock on power will only lead to a
> more intense anti-conservative (or perhaps
> anti-extreme?) backlash later on.
> Michael
> PS: The Wimp Factor
> The author of a new and timely book reveals how
> American politics is shaped by a cultural definition
> of masculinity that is based on disavowing all things
> feminine.
> http://www.alternet.org/mediaculture/20343/
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