October 2004 Archives by date
Starting: Fri Oct 1 19:31:17 UTC 2004
Ending: Sun Oct 31 22:37:54 UTC 2004
Messages: 264
- [Paleopsych] Independent: When the Sun lost its heat
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] The debate
- [Paleopsych] Mail Delivery (failure paleopsych at paleopsych.org)
howlbloom at aol.com
- [Paleopsych] Mail Delivery (failure paleopsych at paleopsych.org)
David Smith
- [Paleopsych] Kerry stumps the mass mind
- [Paleopsych] Kerry stumps the mass mind
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] Kerry stumps the mass mind
shovland at mindspring.com
- [Paleopsych] Mail Delivery (failure paleopsych at paleopsych.org)
HowlBloom at aol.com
- [Paleopsych] NYT: Thou Shalt Not Increase G.D.P.
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] dying for a mistake
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] dying for a mistake
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] debates
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] Primary Perception
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] CHE: Ichthyology Meets Ignominy at Awards Ceremony for the Ig Nobel Prizes
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Iraq
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] Iraq
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Iraq
- [Paleopsych] Iraq
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] NYT: On a Matter of Life or Death, a Patient Is Overruled
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Nature: (Ig Nobel) Laughter in the lab
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] NYT: On a Matter of Life or Death, a Patient Is Overruled
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Meme 32: AI Magazine: What are intelligence? And why?
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] BH: How Stress Causes Violence, and Vice Versa
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] WT: (Homeland Security Pork) Veronique de Rugy: What's Kerry's plan?
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Wired 12.10: The Crusade Against Evolution
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Is Bush Wired?: The Voice in Bush's Ear
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Is Bush Wired?: The Voice in Bush's Ear
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] The Hedgehog Review: The Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog Review: Lori B. Andrews: People as Products: The Conflict between Technology and Social Values
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog Review: Linda Martín Alcoff: Reclaiming Truth Talk: Between the Absolute and the Arbitrary
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Slowly Slicing The Violence Out of War
HowlBloom at aol.com
- [Paleopsych] Slowly Slicing The Violence Out of War
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] The fatal strategic errors of the Iraq war
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Reason: Sexing Babies: Will sex selection create a violent world without women?
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] CBC: End of Life
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] WP: Kurzweil's Quest For Eternal Youth Sets Group Abuzz
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog Review: Zygmunt Bauman: The Self in a Consumer Society
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog Review: Colin Bird: Democracy and Its Nightmares
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] the global pulse - "tonalities" that shape global events.
- [Paleopsych] the global pulse - "tonalities" that shape global events.
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] NYT: The Mystery of the Bulge in the Jacket
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Robin Hanson: The Next Really Big Enormous Thing
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Robin Hanson: The Next Really Big Enormous Thing
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] PhysOrg: Going from a 'Web of links' to a 'Web of meaning'
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] fall/winter EMAC is out...
Alice Andrews
- [Paleopsych] fall/winter EMAC is out...
David Smith
- [Paleopsych] the global pulse - "tonalities" that shape global events.
Lynn D. Johnson, Ph.D.
- [Paleopsych] the global pulse - "tonalities" that shape global events.
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Robin Hanson: The Next Really Big Enormous Thing
David McFadzean
- [SPAM] Re: [Paleopsych] fall/winter EMAC is out...
Alice Andrews
- [Paleopsych] Robin Hanson: The Next Really Big Enormous Thing
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Robin Hanson: The Next Really Big Enormous Thing
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Energy Shift: getting the scale right
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] ruminations on entropy, order, life
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] NYTBR: 'The Cult of Personality': Are You Normal? Think Again
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] NYT Mag: The Genome in Black and White (and Gray)
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] NYT: Jacques Derrida, Abstruse Theorist, Dies at 74
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] NYT: Can Prayers Heal? Critics Say Studies Go Past Science's Reach
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] BBC: Visionaries outline web's future
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Business Week: Scouring The Planet For Brainiacs
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog Review: Albert Borgmann: On the Blessings of Calamity and the Burdens of Good Fortune
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] the prison of left vs. right
HowlBloom at aol.com
- [Paleopsych] deconstructionism
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] Fw: [bigbangtango] Slowly Slicing The Violence Out of War
Geraldine Reinhardt
- [Paleopsych] the prison of left vs. right
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Fw: [bigbangtango] Slowly Slicing The Violence Out of War
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] CHE: Jacques Derrida, Thinker Who Influenced and Infuriated a Range of Humanistic Fields, Dies at 74
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] NYT: (Derrida) The Man Who Showed Us How to Take the World Apart
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Telegraph: (Dawkins) A Roadmap to the primeval slime
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] CHE: Medicine for Musicians
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] spiked-culture: Down with 21st century philistinism
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Medical Diagnosis of Bush: Presenile Dementia
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] The bulge under the President's suit: was he wired?
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] The bulge under the President's suit: was he wired?
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Chip Morningstar: How To Deconstruct Almost Anything: My Postmodern Adventure
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog: Larry D. Bouchard: Postmodern Tragedy, Contingency, and Culpability
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] The bulge under the President's suit: was he wired?
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Grey days in American politics
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] tragedy
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] tragedy
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] NYT: Snooze Alarm Takes Its Toll on a Nation
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] ABC News: John Allen Paulos: How to Prevent Nuclear Terror
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] (no subject)
HowlBloom at aol.com
- [Paleopsych] (no subject)
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Time to move the model forward
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Re: Ashafar experiment - need help
HowlBloom at aol.com
- [Paleopsych] last night's debate
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] last night's debate
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] BH: "Gay Genes" May Increase Fertility
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] NYT: What Derrida Really Meant
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Public Interest: Jonathan Rauch: Being well
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Robin Hanson: The Next Really Big Enormous Thing
David McFadzean
- [Paleopsych] Robin Hanson: The Next Really Big Enormous Thing
David McFadzean
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog: Civil Society and Democracy: A Conversation with Michael Walzer
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] AP: Google Introduces Search Program for Hard Drives
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] NYT: What Do Women Game Designers Want?
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Robin Hanson: The Next Really Big Enormous Thing
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Robin Hanson: The Next Really Big Enormous Thing
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] NYT: Truth stranger than 'Strangelove'
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] NYT: Truth stranger than 'Strangelove'
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] NYT: Truth stranger than 'Strangelove'
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] What is jojoba?
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Robin Hanson: The Next Really Big Enormous Thing
David McFadzean
- [Paleopsych] Times of India: In Modi's Gujarat, Hitler is a textbook hero
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Jonathan Rauch: Caring for Your Introvert
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Reuters: New Pope Book Says Communism Was 'Necessary Evil'
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Howard Bloom: Xerox Effect: On the Importance of Pre-biotic Evolution
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] CNETAsia: Australia vulnerable to Korean hacking army
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Human Lie Detectors Almost Never Miss, Study Finds
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Science Blog: Northwestern researchers pinpoint how false memories are formed
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog: Thomas Cushman: The Sociology of Evil and The Destruction of Bosnia
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Science Blog: Northwestern researchers pinpoint how false memories are formed
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Energy Shift: A Partial Overview of Possibilities
Steve Hovland
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Energy Shift: A Partial Overview of Possibilities
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] Energy Shift: A Partial Overview of Possibilities
Steve Hovland
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] A page from Chile on industrial uses of animal and vegitable fats and oils
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] The little high tech jitney that can...
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Meme 034: The Coming Reorientation of the Principle Left-Right Political Axis
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Meme 035: War on Terrorism: Blessing in Disguise
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog: Joseph E. Davis: Identity and Social Change: A Short Review
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Julian Edney: Greed
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] MEQ: (Patai) Norvell B. De Atkine: The Arab Mind Revisited
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Reason: Welcome to the Fun-Free University: The return of in loco parentis is killing student freedom.
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Presidential Lectures: Jacques Derrida: Introduction
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] introverts
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] Meme 034: The Coming Reorientation of the Principle Left-Right Political Axis
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] introverts
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Meme 034: The Coming Reorientation of the Principle Left-Right Political Axis
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Meme 034: The Coming Reorientation of the Principle Left-Right Political Axis
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Meme 034: The Coming Reorientation of the Principle Left-Right Political Axis
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Stephen J. Sniegoski: Next Stop, Iran
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Meme 034: The Coming Reorientation of the Principle Left-Right Political Axis
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Stephen J. Sniegoski: Next Stop, Iran
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Meme 034: The Coming Reorientation of the Principle Left-Right Political Axis
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Stephen J. Sniegoski: Next Stop, Iran
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Stephen J. Sniegoski: Next Stop, Iran
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Stephen J. Sniegoski: Next Stop, Iran
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Stephen J. Sniegoski: Next Stop, Iran
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Stephen J. Sniegoski: Next Stop, Iran
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Stephen J. Sniegoski: Next Stop, Iran
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Stephen J. Sniegoski: Next Stop, Iran
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Stephen J. Sniegoski: Next Stop, Iran
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Stephen J. Sniegoski: Next Stop, Iran
Lynn D. Johnson, Ph.D.
- [Paleopsych] introverts
Lynn D. Johnson, Ph.D.
- [Paleopsych] Gary North: Google's Free Desktop Search Engine: E-Mails Only
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] NYT: Bush vs. the Laureates: How Science Became a Partisan Issue
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] NYTBR: (Dawkins) 'The Ancestor's Tale': You Are Here
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] NYT Op-Ed: Imagining America if George Bush Chose the Supreme Court
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] CHE: Derrida, a Pioneer of Literary Theory, Dies
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog: An Interview with Francis Fukuyama by Joseph E. Davis
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] WSJ: (Derrida) Roger Kimball: The Meaninglessness of Meaning
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Stephen J. Sniegoski: Next Stop, Iran
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Stephen J. Sniegoski: Next Stop, Iran
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] introverts, extraverts
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] Stephen J. Sniegoski: Next Stop, Iran
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Stephen J. Sniegoski: Next Stop, Iran
Steve Hovland
- Forum created to discuss this subject here Re: [Paleopsych] introverts, extraverts
Stephen Lee
- [Paleopsych] Notices of the AMS: Some of What Mathematicians Do by Martin H. Krieger
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] CIO Magazine: (Kurzweil) Machine Dreams - Interview
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Claremont: Religious Interpretations of Evolutionary Biology
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] CHE: Scholars Infuse Religion With Cultural Light
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] labor
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] Solar tubes: saves energy and improves life indoors
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] CHE: Scholar Sends Sham Papers to Social-Work Journals to Show Weakness of Peer Review
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog: Joseph E. Davis: Healing the Fragmented Self
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog: John Patrick Diggins: Proceduralism, Pragmatism, and Postmodernity
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog: Mike Featherstone: The Citizen and Cyberspace
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog: Harvie Ferguson: Glamour and the End of Irony
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog: Jennifer L. Geddes: The Possibilities of Pragmatism: An Interview with Giles Gunn
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] BH: Deleting Junk DNA Does No Harm
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] BH: Deleting Junk DNA Does No Harm
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] New Republic: The Death of the Author
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] CHE: Religion and Culture: Views of 10 Scholars
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Google Answers: homosexual statistics
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog: Jennifer L. Geddes: Evil Lost and Found
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog: Jennifer L. Geddes: On Evil, Pain, and Beauty: A Conversation with Elaine Scarry
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] (no subject)
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog: John Gray: Two Liberalisms of Fear
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog: David Harvey: The Body as Referent
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] REBT cognitive distortions
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog: Richard V. Horner: Two Cheers for Pragmatism
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog: Richard V. Horner: Maintaining the Trajectory of Freedom
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog: Jonathan B. Imber: Twilight of the Prosthetic Gods: Medical Technology and Trust
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog: Berel Lang: The History of Evil, the Holocaust, and Postmodernity
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] The Cornell Daily Sun: Cornell Reflects on Derrida's Legacy
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] REBT cognitive distortions
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog: Charles T. Mathewes: Operationalizing Evil
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog: Gilbert Meilaender: Genes as Resources
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog: David B. Morris: The Transformations of Evil and Suffering
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] NYTBR: (Himmelbarb) 'The Roads to Modernity': Freedom Philosophers
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Excerpts from 'The Roads to Modernity'
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] NYTBR: 'Extreme Measures': Eminent Victorian, Alas
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] The bill will come due
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog: John Steadman Rice: Romantic Modernism and the Self
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog: Richard Sennett: The New Political Economy and its Culture
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog: Felicia Wu Song: Towards a Working Perspective of Technology: A Bibliographic Essay
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Premise Checker: Winfield S. Hancock 1880
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Survival of the friendliest
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] flash poetry
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] flash poetry
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] flash poetry
- [Paleopsych] Fuel-saving of 50% possible with modern WindShips.
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Full text of Danish study on Modern Windships
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog: Research on Evil: An Annotated Bibliography
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] NYRB: Dreams of Empire
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Hedgehog: Langdon Winner: Are Humans Obsolete?
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] IEEE Spectrum: Peter Fairley: The Unruly Power Grid
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Frank Forman: Transhumanism's Vital Center
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] sacrificial systems
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] NYT: Creationism and Science Clash at Grand Canyon Bookstores
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] sacrificial systems
Lynn D. Johnson, Ph.D.
- [Paleopsych] sacrificial systems
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Time: Is God in Our Genes?
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Time: How Spiritual Are You?
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] NYT: From a Physicist and New Nobel Winner, Some Food for Thought
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] NYT: Critic's Notebook: Buzzing the Web on a Meme Machine
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Information Week: What The Future Holds
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Paul Kurtz: Can the Sciences Help Us to Make Wise Ethical Judgments?
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] death penalty
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] death penalty
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Nature: Biologists come close to cloning primates
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Experts fear escape of 1918 flu from lab
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] American Conservative: Endorsement Issue
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Clearing the Deck
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Meme 036: Frank Is Abandoning Reality
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Meme 036: Frank Is Abandoning Reality
Lynn D. Johnson, Ph.D.
- [Paleopsych] A reptilian appeal for a progressive cause
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] death penalty and ritual media sacrifice
Michael Christopher
- FW: [Paleopsych] A reptilian appeal for a progressive cause
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Meme 036: Frank Is Abandoning Reality
W. Troy Tucker
- [Paleopsych] Nature: Biologists come close to cloning primates
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] Meme 036: Frank Is Abandoning Reality
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] grappling w/EP
Alice Andrews
- [Paleopsych] grappling w/EP
David Smith
- [Paleopsych] grappling w/EP
Nicholas Bannan
- [Paleopsych] mem 036
Hannes Eisler
- [Paleopsych] EPers in Mind here...
s e a m u s
- [Paleopsych] Gleason Sackmann Retires
- [Paleopsych] grappling w/EP
Alice Andrews
- [Paleopsych] grappling w/EP
Alice Andrews
- [Paleopsych] EPers in Mind here...
Alice Andrews
- [Paleopsych] Energy Shift: reworking personal transport
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] binary nature
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] Announcement for Howard being on coast to coast on Election night
Stephen Lee
- [Paleopsych] The tape
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Announcement for Howard being on coast to coast on Election night
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] Re: Thank you!
- [Paleopsych] binary nature
Alice Andrews
- [Paleopsych] binary nature
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] binary nature
Alice Andrews
- [Paleopsych] binary nature
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] binary nature:an amusing correlation
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] "girly-men" and "manly-girls"
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] between fuzzball and hard ball lies...
Alice Andrews
- [Paleopsych] "girly-men" and "manly-girls"
Alice Andrews
- [Paleopsych] John Baez' crackpot index
Pavel Kurakin
- [Paleopsych] binary nature:an amusing correlation
Alice Andrews
- [Paleopsych] binary nature:an amusing correlation
Alice Andrews
- [Paleopsych] demons
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] fuzzy vs. linear
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] demons
Steve Hovland
- [Paleopsych] demons
Lynn D. Johnson, Ph.D.
Last message date:
Sun Oct 31 22:37:54 UTC 2004
Archived on: Fri May 1 01:18:55 UTC 2009
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).