[Paleopsych] Re: Off topic: therapeutic idea

Lynn D. Johnson, Ph.D. ljohnson at solution-consulting.com
Wed Mar 30 16:21:19 UTC 2005

That is very interesting. I haven't read Perricone, and now I think I 
had better do it. I just reserved three of his books (the fellow writes 
a lot!) at the library, and one of the books I am number 31 in the 
queue, and another I am #70! He won't be going to the dance with me any 
time soon!

Up until now, I thought flax oil was the best to convert to EPA, thanks 
for the alert. One question: price? Could it be more cost-effective to 
take widely available flax oil or is borage cost-competitive? I am 
working at home for another hour and on the way to work I will stop at a 
health food place and compare.

Total agreement on Alaskan salmon. The salmon at Albertsons is farm 
raised and I have been told that it is low in EPA/DHA.

Have you googled grass fed beef and Omega-3 oil? Apparently if you can 
purchase grass fed beef, it is equal to wild salmon for omega-3. A 
fellow here in Utah (Utah State, the aggie school) did the research. It 
is fattening the beef with soy and barley and so on that gives it the 
omega-6 and saturated fat load. Does Perricone mention that?
ps: I forwarded this interesting stuff to paleo in case others are 
interested in depression
Steve Hovland wrote:

>Per Nicholas Perricone, MD (The Perricone Prescription etc)
>Borage Oil may convert in the body more readily than
>Flaxseed Oil.  Available in capsules from health food stores.
>He also advocates Alaskan or Sockeye salmon as a
>premier source of EFA's.
>Steve Hovland
>-----Original Message-----
>From:	Lynn D. Johnson, Ph.D. [SMTP:ljohnson at solution-consulting.com]
>Sent:	Wednesday, March 30, 2005 6:03 AM
>To:	The new improved paleopsych list
>Subject:	Re: [Paleopsych] Nanotechnology could promote hydrogen economy
>This reminds me of a story my brother told me. He had modeled hydrogen 
>storage in carbon nanotubes, and at a conference he was asked about it. 
>He replied that he didn't think it was feasible, that his modeling 
>studies showed it wasn't. He was skeptical about the possibility of 
>hydrogen being a transportation fuel. Afterwards, the guys who asked 
>came up and offered him a grant. (I think they were from LiquideAire or 
>a competitor) He was surprised and asked why they'd offer him money when 
>he didn't think that was the right direction. They replied that they 
>appreciated his honesty. They found that generally the hydrogen field 
>was full of people who were full of enthusiasm for unrealistic models.
>Frank posted recently about how scientists are constrained by unwritten 
>norms of what is allowed and what is forbidden. It is an ongoing 
>problem. Groups don't like core beliefs to be challenged, yet these are 
>precisely what keeps us from seeing the next step. In psychology there 
>is this big push toward Empirically Validated Treatments, aping physical 
>medicine, yet Wampold and others have shown conclusively that there is 
>no significant difference in distinct treatments because it is not the 
>technique of treatment that actually heals the patient, it is the common 
>factors. This will be a huge shift of the psychology paradigm, and one 
>that will come only slowly, and the old true believers die off.
>PS: RE: Zombies,  Paul, did you read Frank's posting of the David Brooks 
>piece on Schievo from NYT? It was excellent, and points out the ethical 
>trouble with characterization of brain-disabled people as vegetables 
>(or, more pejoratively, corpses). It is an ugly business on both sides, 
>both the pro-life and right-to-die people have some holes in their own 
>Paul J. Werbos, Dr. wrote:
>>At 07:16 AM 3/30/2005, Steve Hovland wrote:
>>>Contact: Carl Blesch
>>>cblesch at ur.rutgers.edu <mailto:cblesch at ur.rutgers.edu>
>>>732-932-7084 x616
>>>Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey <http://www.rutgers.edu>
>>>NEW BRUNSWICK/PISCATAWAY, N.J. - Say "nanotechnology" and people are 
>>>to think of micro machines or zippy computer chips. But in a new twist,
>>>Rutgers scientists are using nanotechnology in chemical reactions that
>>>could provide hydrogen for tomorrow's fuel-cell powered clean energy
>>Upon careful analysis of this technological effort, I find it hard to 
>>silence the voice
>>which responds in only one word:
>>The only really serious scientific puzzles are : "How can an organism 
>>be so stupid?
>>Is there any hope for survival for an endangered species which thinks 
>>this way?"
>>It is not obvious that there is even a qualitative difference in 
>>clarity of thinking between the
>>organisms that want to devote their lives to secure feeding tubes for 
>>corpses and
>>those who believe in the fundamentalist form of the hydrogen religion 
>>after all these years.
>>(Re the former, I had a kind of dream image last night of a kind of 
>>church choir
>>singing a hymn praying to have their zombie back, and a smiling 
>>Frankenstein in the middle...)
>>Actually, when the purist hydrogen wave was shoved in our faces 
>>particularly hard a couple
>>of year ago, I did try to think hard about how to give it maximum 
>>possible benefit of the doubt.
>>And -- biased myself by the VERY heavy political pressures -- I did 
>>even discuss a bit about
>>the hope for nanotube-based hydrogen storage to solve ONE of the 
>>in the initial version of my energy paper in the 2003 State of the 
>>But... there are all the others, and they don't add up.
>>For example, see the chicken and egg slide at
>>And there are those who pretend that thousand year eggs are real...
>>We don't HAVE a thousand years here.
>>Furthermore, cost and efficiency problems are overwhelming --
>>and, above all, there are three long-term alternatives all far more
>>sustainable, and near at hand. The purist version of hydrogen economy
>>is an effective rationalization for going to sleep, when we do have ways
>>to really solve our problems much closer at hand. One wonders who
>>supports this out of a desire to keep the rest of us asleep.
>>And indeed, there are certain folks who exploit other fundamentalist 
>>in a similar cynical way.
>>There are some perverse nonlinear effects here. The whole is greater 
>>than the sum of the parts,
>>and the collective level of insanity is often greater than the sum of 
>>the insanities of
>>individual humans. The previous paragraph gives ONE example of how 
>>this works:
>>ambitious people with very narrow blinders (focusing so hard in one 
>>direction they ignore what's
>>coming to eat them out of left field) manipulating other socially 
>>responsive people who
>>trust the manipulators more than they should. In fact... the total 
>>failure of the
>>Clinton-Gore energy independence efforts reflect this same phenomenon, 
>>albeit in a slightly different way.
>>In fact,, I have a very vivid memory from 1994, walking out of Gore's 
>>house (after the first bug
>>White House PNGV conference)... and hearing an explanation from his 
>>key OSTP
>>on this... of their policy of maintaining a simple party line at all 
>>times... it was a very conscious
>>philosophy. Unlike some of the corpse-feeders, they were very very 
>>open to fun rambling discussions..
>>which is deceptive... because they were not really open to reality. 
>>Good vibes... well...
>>it reminds me of the issue people have raised about trying to balance 
>>the principles of love and
>>of truth, and about how people lose it if they  chose one over the other.
>>In the end, if humanity in general is too fuzzy to take out its mental 
>>trash on this issue,
>>on its own, I have a gut feeling that the problem will be taken care 
>>of anyway... at a price.
>>At a severe price.
>>But... the clock ticks...
>>>In a paper to be published April 20 in the Journal of the American 
>>>Society, researchers at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey,
>>>describe how they make a finely textured surface of the metal iridium 
>>>can be used to extract hydrogen from ammonia, then captured and fed to a
>>>fuel cell. The metal's unique surface consists of millions of 
>>>pyramids with
>>>facets as tiny as five nanometers (five billionths of a meter) 
>>>across, onto
>>>which ammonia molecules can nestle like matching puzzle pieces. This 
>>>up the molecules to undergo complete and efficient decomposition.
>>>"The nanostructured surfaces we're examining are model catalysts," 
>>>said Ted
>>>Madey, State of New Jersey professor of surface science in the physics
>>>department at Rutgers. "They also have the potential to catalyze 
>>>reactions for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries."
>>>A major obstacle to establishing the "hydrogen economy" is the safe and
>>>cost-effective storage and transport of hydrogen fuel. The newly 
>>>process could contribute to the solution of this problem. Handling 
>>>in its native form, as a light and highly flammable gas, poses daunting
>>>engineering challenges and would require building a new fuel 
>>>infrastructure from scratch.
>>>By using established processes to bind hydrogen with atmospheric 
>>>into ammonia molecules (which are simply one atom of nitrogen and three
>>>atoms of hydrogen), the resulting liquid could be handled much like 
>>>gasoline and diesel fuel. Then using nanostructured catalysts based 
>>>on the
>>>one being developed at Rutgers, pure hydrogen could be extracted 
>>>under the
>>>vehicle's hood on demand, as needed by the fuel cell, and the remaining
>>>nitrogen harmlessly released back into the atmosphere. The carbon-free
>>>nature of ammonia would also make the fuel cell catalyst less 
>>>to deactivation.
>>>When developing industrial catalysts, scientists and engineers have
>>>traditionally focused on how fast they could drive a chemical 
>>>reaction. In
>>>such situations, however, catalysts often drive more than one reaction,
>>>yielding unwanted byproducts that have to be separated out. Also,
>>>traditional catalysts sometimes lose strength in the reaction process.
>>>Madey says that these problems could be minimized by tailoring
>>>nanostructured metal surfaces on supported industrial catalysts, 
>>>making new
>>>forms of catalysts that are more robust and selective.
>>>In the journal article, Madey and postdoctoral research fellow Wenhua 
>>>and physics graduate student Ivan Ermanoski describe how a flat 
>>>surface of
>>>iridium heated in the presence of oxygen changes its shape to make 
>>>arrays of nanosized pyramids. The structures arise when atomic forces 
>>>the adjacent oxygen atoms pull metal atoms into a more tightly ordered
>>>crystalline state at temperatures above 300 degrees Celsius (or
>>>approximately 600 degrees Fahrenheit). Different annealing temperatures
>>>create different sized facets, which affect how well the iridium 
>>>ammonia decomposition. The researchers are performing additional 
>>>studies to
>>>characterize the process more completely.
>>>The Rutgers researchers are conducting their work in the university's
>>>Laboratory for Surface Modification, which provides a focus for research
>>>into atomic-level phenomena that occur on the surface of solids. It
>>>involves the overlapping disciplines of physics, chemistry, materials
>>>science and engineering. Their work is supported in part by grants 
>>>from the
>>>U. S. Department of Energy's Office of Basic Energy Sciences.
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