[extropy-chat] intelligent design homework

Robert Lindauer robgobblin at aol.com
Sat Aug 6 02:15:03 UTC 2005

I completely agree that it would be worthwhile for every child to have a 
complete comparative religion (obviously including Agnosticism and 
Athiesm) course just as it would be worthwhile to teach all children 
logic and soviet history (as an example of another history which is 
commonly read differently in the US than in the Soviet Union).  
Unfortunately, there's not always time in a public-school curricula.  
So, with most -real libertarians- we should probably just do away with 
public education.  But only after we do away with taxation!  After all, 
if we're going to be paying for something, it may as well be something 
we want.

Mike Lorrey wrote:

>hey, why not. If Bush is going to use a liberal principle of open
>mindedness to justify teaching a radically conservative religious
>theory, perhaps it needs to be taken to its logical absurd
>conclusion.... of course the astrology is the work of the devil (;))
>but the Simulation Argument is both logically consistent and doesn't
>step on any Christian toes, other than the idea that each simulated
>universe has a unique creator....
>--- Damien Broderick <thespike at satx.rr.com> wrote:
>>At 11:16 AM 8/5/2005 -0700, Mike L. wrote:
>>>Well, if they are going to be teaching ID, we might as well demand
>>>equal time and insist that the Simulation Argument be taught in
>>>as well. At least it is logically consistent.
>>And Pythagorean astronomy, and astrology. And Mormon North American 
>>history. And Scientology cosmogony. And Christian science medical
>>"It's good for the children to hear the other side." Apparently
>>only one other side.
>>Damien Broderick 
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>Mike Lorrey
>Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
>Founder, Constitution Park Foundation:
>Personal/political blog: http://intlib.blogspot.com
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