[ExI] riots again

spike spike66 at att.net
Mon Sep 24 16:28:18 UTC 2012

>... On Behalf Of spike
Subject: Re: [ExI] riots again

>... On Behalf Of Charlie Stross

>>...Consequently, we're dealing with people who have grown up KNOWING 
any publication whatsoever MUST HAVE BEEN APPROVED BY A GOVERNMENT...It's
going to take more than a generation to break them of this habit, and in the
meantime we're all in for a bumpy ride.  -- Charlie

>...Ah, excellent point Charlie.  A possible solution is that we swamp them
with actual blasphemy... spike


A further thought Charlie, regarding your notion that those who have always
lived under censorship don't understand freedom of speech and freedom of the
press.  Somehow we must communicate to those living without free speech that
they too can get a YouTube account, they too can get on the internet, they
can post whatever they want, anonymously, they can figure out a way to get
to WikiLeaks.  Therefore those unaccustomed to this freedom have been given,
rather have been forced upon them a de facto freedom of speech and freedom
of the press, whether they want it or not.  Ready or not, here it comes.  

Clearly at least some of the vocal players in these information-controlled
places violently oppose the notion of freedom of speech.  Not only did they
not ask for it, they are murderously opposed to offering it to the masses,
their submissive subjects.  It is too much like teaching slaves to read.
But this is not our problem, it is theirs, and a big problem it is.  Freedom
is coming to benighted lands, terrifying as that prospect may be, for there
is no telling what the newly freed masses may do to their former memetic
captors.  Blasphemy might occur, horrors!  If these societies wish to oppose
information freedom, they need to take it up with WikiLeaks, not the US
government.  Note that the riots are all about the Joseph Smith video, not
about illegal robo-bombing ( which for some incomprehensible reason, they
seem to take that in stride.)  They must figure out some way to prevent the
internet from penetrating their cage of darkness.  

It is an understatement to say that information wants to be free.
Information wants to brutally destroy ignorance.


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