[ExI] b riots: was RE: star trek

Rafal Smigrodzki rafal.smigrodzki at gmail.com
Sat Feb 11 13:50:54 UTC 2017

On Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 10:00 PM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
> Help me Exi-wan Kanobi.  You’re my only hope.

### I distinctly remember being called a Nazi a few times on this list,
years ago. Being me does not feel like being Nazi from my subjective
perspective but then, how could I know? Perhaps my esteemed adversaries,
having an outside-view of me, were privy to knowledge not available to me?
It is only reasonable to accept the consensus, so after some time of
soul-searching I came to accept that I am a closet-Nazi, indeed, even if my
arm does not automatically jump up in the Hitlergruß when listening to
jaunty marching music, and my levels of anti-Semitism are woefully

Therefore I was quite intrigued to hear of a possible fellow-traveler, this
Mr Yiannopoulos, who apparently manages to be a fearsome Nazi while also
being gay, Jewish and very pretty. I greatly enjoyed watching him
ruthlessly skewer some of our traditional Nazi victims, such as third-wave
feminists, intersectional victimhood activists and free-trade opponents,
and all that using words rather than the bayonet. Mr Yiannopoulos pricks
our enemies with a ridiculously fagged-up demeanor, making their feeble
squirmings all the more amusing to my old Nazi heart.

Thus emboldened, I would like to make my coming out of closet announcement
on our dear list, where my Naziness was first noticed. Let's unite, Nazi
brothers and sisters of all breeds and creeds, sing kumbaya and make the
black-masked Antifa thugs quake in their jack-boots! Today the list,
tomorrow the whole world!

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