[ExI] Oxford scientists edge toward quantum PC with 10b qubits.

Dave Sill sparge at gmail.com
Fri Jan 28 19:30:17 UTC 2011

2011/1/28 John Clark <jonkc at bellsouth.net>

> Nothing? The pattern is always the same. Solving calculus problems required
> intelligence, beating a Chess Grandmaster required intelligence, being a
> great research Librarian required intelligence, and beating a Jeopardy
> champion required intelligence; but then computers could do these things
> better than humans and suddenly we found that these activities had
> absolutely nothing to do with intelligence. How odd.

These isolated systems act intelligent, but they're not really intelligent.
They can't learn and they don't understand. Deep Blue could dominate me on
the chess board but it couldn't beat a 4-year-old at tic tac toe. Make a
system that knows nothing about tic tac toe but can learn the rules (via
audio/video explanation by a human) and play the game, and I'll be

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