[ExI] Gravity waves?

Giovanni Santostasi gsantostasi at gmail.com
Thu Mar 20 20:37:39 UTC 2014

I have to run to airport but my dissertation was on Gravitational Waves and
I have done research on this topic (now I work mostly in neuroscience
I will try to answer to the questions when I come back online.


On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 2:52 PM, John Clark <johnkclark at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 10:21 AM, Ben <bbenzai at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>  >> Gravity waves have just been detected in the variations of the
>>>> polarization of the microwave radiation from the Big Bang; and so ...
>> > Shouldn't this be "gravity waves have been inferred from the detection
>> of variations of the polarisation...", or "variations in the polarisation
>> of microwave radiation is consistent with the existence of gravity
>> waves...", etc.?
> How is that fundamentally different from "electromagnetic light waves have
> been inferred from the chemical changes made in the retina of our eye" ?
> And to me the important thing isn't that gravity waves have been detected,
> that's happened before with the decay in the orbits of twin Neutron Stars,
> but that the gravity waves had just the strength and polarization that
> Inflation theory said they should have from the Big Bang and most competing
> theories can now be ruled out.  And it's very difficult to  make sense out
> of inflation theory, that is to say there is no way to understand how it
> could ever stop, without invoking the multiverse.
> For every volume in which the inflation field decays away in 2 other
> volumes the field doesn't decay. So one universe becomes 3, the field
> decays in one universe but not in the other 2, then both of those two
> universes splits in 3 again and the inflation field decays away in one and
> doesn't decay in 2 others, and it goes on forever. So what we call "The Big
> Bang" isn't the beginning of everything it's just the end of inflation in
> our particular part of the universe. So according to Inflation this field
> created one Big Bang, then 2, then 4, then 8, then 16 etc in a unending
> process.
>> > I'm still waiting for someone to /actually detect gravity waves/.
> Wouldn't that be  "gravity waves have been inferred from the small
> movements of 2 mirrors placed 4 kilometers apart "?
>> > I'm wondering why we can't seem to detect them directly
> How can you see anything directly?
>   John K Clark
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