[ExI] state of conflict technology

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 8 20:15:03 UTC 2020

Spike - why don't you get upset with alcohol and tobacco?  They kill far,
far more people than any illegal drugs do.  As for heroin, it takes about
two weeks to get addicted to it, so it's hardly fair to say that people are
duped into using it.  Sure i'ts hard to get off of it, but it's not
impossible at all.  Crystal meth, now that's a real deadly drug - no
argument about that one.  Marijuana- safest drug on the planet - even safer
than water (how many people have died from dystentery etc. from water?).
C'mon, be fair - rant again legal drugs.  Tobacco - half a million a year
die?  Maybe less now.  Alcohol - gotta count drunk driving and deaths
therefrom.  I don't know that data, but it's gotta be tens of thousands.
LSD?  Maybe Will will kick in here.  I imagine the death rate is very low;
a few jumping off buildings like Art's 'Kids Say the Darndest Things' son.

I kicked tobacco (two packs a day) and alcohol (a liter a day) without help
and not a lot of trouble.  But I wanted to - many addicts don't.  It's not
the fault of the drug, or the drug pusher (and you will never get rid of
all of those as the War on Drugs has shown explicitly).  This whole thing
is about the psychology of the individual - how do we change people to heal
themselves of their addictions.  That's where the money for research should

This brings up a book like I have not enjoyed in a long time:  Richard
Grant - American Nomad:  covers old west cowboys, Indians, up to modern RV
groups, hoboes and train riders and so on. The drug use was incredible.
Terrific writer!  I am going to read all of his.  Check him out.

bill w

On Wed, Jan 8, 2020 at 1:09 PM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> *>…*> *On Behalf Of *Will Steinberg via extropy-chat
> *Subject:* Re: [ExI] state of conflict technology
> >…As for addiction, I was addicted to heroin.  Been to numerous open-air
> drug markets and trap houses.  Never lived in those places, but I was there
> a lot.
> >…The drug markets in particular were eye-opening.  Ever seen a line of
> heroin addicts lined up in broad daylight to get their fix?
> Oh Jaysus.  Mercy, me lad.
> I am AGIN it, I tells ya!  All of it, all forms of dope, everything, AGIN
> it!  Bad medicine it is.  Poison.  Toxic to mind, body and spirit.
> OK so we have at least two who know something of the real world, and at
> least one who hopes he never has to see a line of addicts, for I would
> struggle to not stroll right up to whoever is doling out that dope and swat
> the bastard with a baseball bat.
> spike
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