[ExI] what are we seeing here?

Henrik Ohrstrom henrik.ohrstrom at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 17:25:57 UTC 2020

General mortality for equivalent patients has gone down a lot as time goes
due to lessons learned in the health system. Also, when you don't have more
really sick patients than you have Ecmo beds, the excuse for having a
patient die really is gone.
There are a "Sensitivo omnibus mortuus est" effect. Visible in a general
reduction of all kinds of mortality and morbidity at the moment as of now.

Infection rates are difficult to interpret at the moment. Really the hard
outcomes in hospitalised and dead are the only real data.
There are as far as I know no second waves anywhere in areas that was hit
hard in the spring.

Suscipit tempora temporum novorum, no-one said before, Google translate ftw


Den tis 29 sep. 2020 00:34Dylan Distasio via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> skrev:

> Belgian docs agree with you.   Please read this carefully if you are
> interested.  The other lockdown skeptic paper I sent covers the same
> topics.   It's not likely a new strain that is less lethal.   It's bad
> tests inflating case numbers, combined with pre-existing immunity from
> cross reactivity with other coronaviruses we've already been exposed to.
> CV-19 burned through the kindling (elderly) and rarely kills someone under
> 60 without serious conditions like obesity/diabetes.   It's why you're
> seeing a disproportionate number of CV-19 deaths in the African American
> population in the US (NOTHING to do with racism in the health care system
> as some garbage, formerly prestigious publications have asserted).
> BTW, these crazy Belgian doctors also assert that HCQ/Azithromycin/Zinc is
> effective.  Of course, John wouldn't be likely to take it if he was
> suffering from CV-19 because Trump promoted it.
> https://docs4opendebate.be/en/open-letter/
> On Mon, Sep 28, 2020 at 6:25 PM spike jones via extropy-chat <
> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>> This dataset seems to be talking even louder than the British data.
>> It seems clear enough to me there has been enough time for the new cases
>> in August to have slain these Belgians if it was going to.
>> But now the proles seem to be surviving covid for some reason.
>> This is an early call, which might be wrong, but it looks like a second
>> wave might be a lot less lethal, or a new strain has emerged, or the
>> Belgians have gotten a lot better at treating this virus.
>> Other views please?
>> spike
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