[ExI] libertarian ideas
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 22 15:37:17 UTC 2021
In taking a gun away from someone, such as a felon or mental case (often
much worse than a felon having one), how often do we take away the ability
to go on living? If we are talking about ghetto living (any color, any
nationality, any religion) you can take them away but there are so many
illegal guns around they will get another for sure since they think they
need it to live. They may be right. Outside the ghetto, how many people
have lost their lives because they did not have a gun? How many people
pull out a gun only to be killed by someone more adept at its use? Or kill
someone thought to be an intruder (often a family member).
Overall: just how important is a gun to our very survival? I think having
a gun and maybe using it saves very few lives and takes a lot more just
through accidental use by kids and such. I would certainly confiscate
guns, used by kids to kill one another or themselves, from their parents
and prohibit their getting any more (other than rifles and shotguns and
maybe even then mandate strong protection from their accidental use -
triggerlocks and whatever- ideally not able to be used by anyone other than
the owner, just like the scifi novels- just when is this tech coming?).
Bottom line: I support guns up to but not including automatic weapons for
everyone except mental cases and felons. You?
bill w
On Sun, Aug 22, 2021 at 9:02 AM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> *From:* extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> *On Behalf
> Of *Gabe Waggoner via extropy-chat
> Do these square with what you know or think? bill w
> >….I'm curious where this graphic came from. If this were a figure in
> something I were asked to edit, I'd query about the wording "pro
> anti-discrimination" to get inside the mind of the writer…Gabe
> I thought that one was weird too Gabe. It would be clearer if written
> anti-pro-discrimination.
> Regarding the second amendment stuff, that one too is not at all clear.
> Gun rights have traditionally been associated with the right, but the
> strongest second amendment advocates are really better classified far
> left. The constitution recognizes Americans’ right to bear arms, but
> states and cities claim the authority to ban them under amendment 9 and 10,
> and nearly everyone recognizes the right of the government to ban felons
> from bearing arms.
> The strongest second amendment advocates claim the right to bear arms
> unconditionally, anywhere regardless of their legal status as convicts, but
> do not go along with other notions typically associated with the political
> right-wing, only that one.
> It is time to rethink a lot of this, and update it.
> spike
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